
Mathias Wolters

Meet Zangqing & Mathias

Zangqing´s life journey of discovering her True Self

I was born in a small village in the high mountains. My village is 2800 meters high, and here in the mountains, the forest is very rich and has many different kinds of huge trees. I am ZangQing and in my childhood, I grew up with sheep, cows, and horses. I am half Tibetan, half Naxi and in this area we have a lot of Buddhist temples. In my village, people speak Naxi language.

In my village, all the people are singing everywhere and every time. The village people sing, for example, when they go for work into the mountains or to their farming land, or when they let the animals graze in the mountains.

It influenced me a lot, and so it became my habit to sing the songs all the time. When I was young, I liked to sing the songs all the time. When I grew up, I became a singer.

On the day I was 20 years old, I went to my friend's store.There I saw a book that was from a western author, who wrote an autobiography. This book was about a young man, who left the western country and traveled to the eastern countries to discover his spiritual truth. On his road through many countries, he experienced many beautiful, mysterious, and dangerous stories, seducing situations, but he felt that all this was not the truth and what his heart wanted to find out. So he decided to keep going until he arrived in the Himalaya and found his true answers.

I haven’t read many books and have never bought one before. But this book attracted me so much that I bought it and read it every day. I did not know why this book really attracted me so much.

After reading this book, my life didn’t change much, but it did plant some seeds in my heart.

This book gave me a very valuable quality for my next part of my life story, which is to constantly explore the nature of life.

My parents died very early, and my relationships became very bad. I didn’t have a job and had no perspective on what I should do. I felt all the suffering suddenly hit me.

This torture lasted for more than 6 years. I also stopped singing at this time and sold all my musical instruments. I felt like I couldn’t sing anymore under this conditions.

Because of my suffering, I started in these years to discover myself more and more. I had a longing to know how the world works and what psychology and motivation are behind the behavior of people. I studied a lot about psychology, philosophy, Buddhism, and spirituality.

Even though I discover a lot about myself, the people, and I could change something to be better but life still has not really worked out. I have been suffering from severe insomnia for several years. My marriage and the whole life situation let me suffer a lot. In this part of my life, my intimate relationship was what made me most tired. I had made many changes in this relationship, learned, and constantly opened my heart to embrace this difficult marriage, but it is still full of various entanglements and internal frictions.

But in this situation, I felt deeply that I really needed help from someone and that I could not get out of my torture by myself.

Fate let me get to know a teacher, who is doing healing. She appreciated my singing and invited me to study healing. Finally, I felt that someone could really see me and what happened to me. That someone could see me attracted me so much and let me believe that she truly could help me overcome my traumas.

So I started to study with her. Every morning I went to her yard, and we started studying together at 7 in the morning, and my lectures ended mostly at 12 in the night. For one year, this was my daily schedule.

This year, I had huge transformations and healing by myself. My insomnia has completely improved, and I am back to having very good and normal sleep. The speed and ability of my improvement and transformation were so fast that even my teacher and other students were surprised. Everyone was very happy and appreciated my abilities and intelligence.

I started to become a healer naturally and started to help other students of my teacher. I helped a lot of people, and they recognized me very much. My natural healing abilities were awakened, and this attracted many people to choose to follow me and receive my healing.

I kept going to study healing to improve myself and my healing skills. I discover that I have an original talent for using chanting for healing. And people more and more liked my healing wisdom through chanting.

I am able to have such good performance and ability today, not only from my own wisdom, but also from the bad times I have gone through. All my life experiences, and also the life in the mountains, where I grew up, gave me strength and wisdom that made me fully capable of carrying other people’s suffering and helping them to move through their traumas.

After learning healing, I have successfully transformed my inner dependence and motivation from suffering and healed my trauma. As well as changing the wrong ideas and cognition brought to me by my native family. I saw that I could live a very easy and happy life, and I also saw that there was a way of choice. I could choose the life and partner I wanted, and I had the ability to make choices.

See how my choices let my amazing new life story with my husband continue. Please read on down on this page, you will harvest more miracles.

Mathias a heart-centered True Self

As a kid I was unsure and I hated school. All my memories of my school days are that I did not like to go to school. I am Mathias, and the teachers let me know that I was not cable. There are too many stories, but here is one of them: One teacher suggested I should stop learning math, which later became one of my majors. I was terrible at sports, and I never had the physical strength to compete with others.

My dad was mostly ill and in the hospital. When he was at home, he even told me until I was over 20 years old that I was not as great as him. He died because of smoking and drinking too much early. Luckily, my mom always believed in me!

After school, I did not know what to do and had no inner calling, not knowing what my purpose was. So I tried out every kind of work and study, but I never felt like I was in the right place. I worked as a stage designer, designed, sewed clothes, worked as a potter, and studied psychology until I gave up....

I went for a one-year retreat to a monastery in Taiwan. It was a great time, and I started learning to focus my mind and rest in my heart. Working and meditating there let me enter into a sense of home in my heart and a feeling of being complete. But I still had no idea what I could do with my life.

Coming back to Germany, it felt like somehow before that I was looking and searching but no inner purpose was showing up, no passion for what I really wanted to go for until......

I fell asleep under a huge, beautiful chestnut tree after a warm day searching for a job. No job!

In a deep state of sleep full of exhaustion from the day, I got a reality dream in a way I had never before. Everything was so clear and real. Somehow, I got a very clear message that I should study Chinese Medicine and start my career as soon as possible.

I woke up and felt so sure in my heart that I had to study Chinese Medicine. There was no tiny little space for any kind of thought that this would not be the right way.

I felt strongly a calling for it and started on the same day doing research on how I could and where I could study it and what else I needed to work with Chinese Medicine in China. Of course, I was thinking before I went to Taiwan to study Medicine and, because of my Qigong training, my interest in Asian philosophy, and my one year in Taiwan, I had enough contact with Chinese Medicine but I did not have any thoughts or decisions to study it.

I studied conventional medicine and quickly passed the exam for a health practitioner. At the same time, I studied Chinese Medicine. My intensive studies with many famous teachers all over the world kept going for more than a decade, while I was already successfully practicing in my own clinic for more than 20 years. In these years, I also taught people Qigong in my weekly classes.

Due to my studies in China, I got an invitation to work in a Chinese hospital to develop a project that would combine alternative medicine and Chinese medicine.

After this project, another hospital invited me to work for them. This department has started to develop new ideas for helping stroke patients recover. For this, we used Chinese medicine in combination with high end technology.

On my journeys through China, I fell in love with the mountainous areas of Yunnan and Tibet. Finally, I lived there for many years and treated people there with Chinese Medicine and teaching Qigong.

In all these years, I have often had the experience that I am missing knowledge, skills, and methods to help people be more holistic. So I started searching for what I was missing.

What I was looking for was to release emotions, trauma and understand how to help people to train their minds and change their habits.

Therefore, I learned transformational breath work in Asia and Life Coaching in Europe and the U.S. With the Spiral, Sedona Method.

But after a while, by using these methods, I felt that these new learning methods came from the view that we have problems and that we are not complete and light.

Of course, all these methods help me, but I never felt that these methods would work out totally.

The thing is that all these methods come from the idea that we are not complete and that we have to get better in our box in which we are living.

But here is the thing: we will never finish this job to make our lives perfect, and we will never get the feeling that we are at home and can trust life.

In these moments, I realized that I had to make a decision.

To hear more about it, please continue reading the story of Zangqing and me.

ZangQing & Mathias Story

Our life story started in a small snow-mountain village. Already in the beginning, we experienced a deep soulmate connection, which surprised both of us. As Mathias had to go back soon to Germany because of the visa and Zangqing was married, we had only some moments to get to know each other. But when we met, we both experienced a very harmonious and deep connection with many surprising moments. Mathias actually did not like to go back to Germany but there was no way to stay longer in China, where he had lived 8 years.

So life at first had a different plan for us. When Mathias went back to Germany, he built up his online business and had the feeling that he could not come back to China, so he focused on settling himself in Germany. Zangqing was at this time concentrating on doing her healing business in China.

But somehow, we kept in contact via social media for one year occasionally because both of us had a deep interest in developing ourselves, healing, and how to find our True Self. This year, Mathias felt less connected to China, and Zangqing was busy with her healing work.

Then the call from China came...

and Mathias got a huge, surprising message.

Zangqing called me and told me that she had moved back to her mountain village, living by herself. Then she asked me if she could ask me one more thing. My answer was "yes." Zangqing continued in her spontanious way: Do you want to marry me and come back to China?

Mathias was surprised, but he said yes. And he said that we need to figure out, if we really fit together. He felt happy, unsure, and surprised at the same time.

We started from that day to chat daily and had very honest, open, and clarifying, deep talks to get to know each other more and our plans and ideas for the future.

Our chat was each time supportive, nourishing each other with a lot of respect and the intention to see each other. We faced a lot of challenges at that time, and it was also not easy to just talk on the phone for hours and months.

Then came the time when Zangqing got very clear about getting divorced and really finished this already long-term, not alive relationship. She went through this emotionally difficult divorce process very determinedly.

After Zangqing´s divorce, she experienced that she could not get soon into the next relationship, especially a new marriage.

Because we both talk about what can happen inside us and we are both very clear and aware of what is necessary for our inside development, Mathias could give Zangqing time and space. She started to travel and heal herself for a couple of months.

What really would work out between us was unsure, but we both kept open and honest with each other and try our best for good development between us.

When this year was coming to an end, we both became more sure that we wanted to seriously continue this relationship. In all our deep talks and challenges, we felt that our relationship was healing for us.

But we need to make the next step as we both find out that it will not give us the possibility for more development by continuing this relationship by phone. So we both made the decision to get married and live in China together. In December, Mathias came back to China after 2 years. We both stayed for some months in the mountain village nearby Lijiang. One month later we get married.

Now we had a beautiful, nourishing time with many profound talks around life, philosophy, psychology, spirituality, and True Self. Because of our openness, and the quality of listening to each other's inner voices, we get in touch more and more on many different levels of understanding life.

We learned many things from each other and discovered on our spiritual path that we get more and more similar ideas and clarity about our ultimate life dream.

One important part of this was that Zangqing got more touched by my Master Shangshi and his teachings.

And later, as we practiced more together his teachings and through our understanding and talks about them, we both felt that we only wanted to help and teach other people in a new way that was totally rooted in one truth. Over the years, we have seen in our experience of helping people that even though there are so many healing tools that can help people get better, the root of our problems will never be touched. That means the healer and healed person can only work in the box of questions but can never touch the problems from the roots.

Instead, the teaching of Master Shangshi is exactly going to the root of the problem and digging it out. It can truly help people go back to their True Self.

We both practiced Master Shangshi´s teaching deeply, with many results that changed our lives totally, and as a consequence of this, we created our coaching business: The True Self Touch.

Master Shangshi

Master Shangshi

is an awakened master and lineage holder of the Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen lineage

'Kunzang Yamdi', which goes back in a never-broken line to Garab Dorje, the first human master of Dzogchen, (5th/6th century).

In addition, Master Shangshi received the wisdom of Chinese Chan (Zen) Buddhism through a Her»ToHeart transmission from Shen Hui ($670, +762) and is a 7th generation master of Chan Buddhism.

In addition, Master Shangshi contained the complete teachings of the Future Buddha

Maitreya in a terma. Maitreva's teaching is completely different from all of Buddha's other teachings, because it is a path without meditation in which we overcome obstacles easily and playfully and enjoy the beauty of life

On this basis, the modern Dzogchen lineage of the 4 Second Enlightenment was created, which can lead us to awakening in one lifetime.

Master Shangshi teaches the path to awakening into the reality of being, which he calls 'Living Dao', regardless of any religion.

Nevertheless, in his teaching he draws on the knowledge of his ancient tradition and wisdom. His goal is to lead us back to our true being - to absolute freedom.

Get in Touch with your True Self

Insights, inspirations and useful methods for your daily life and guidance to transform your problems faster and easier.

Let your life get touched by life!

Be Passionate About Your Path

True life is not a goal we can achieve, it is only there when we let it shine fully in this moment of life. What I mean by being passionate about our path is that we, for sure, have our past memories and future goals, but we can only be free and happy and experience the full, rich life at this moment right now. Even if you are happy about something you achieve or some nice future goal, it is only here in this moment that you can feel this happiness and freedom. Only if we can say we have lived the moments in our lives second by second will we have a rich life in abundance and we will say that we lived a fulfilled life.