For heart-centered Business Owners, Founders, Leaders and Coaches

If you are looking for your genius creativity, your heart purpose, and a vivid, free, and abundant life without never-ending suffering, then...

Your only answer to this is to get in touch with your true self, which can pull you totally out of all the old wired programs.

The truth is that there is no control by past experience,

no trauma of yesterday, not even karma.

Don´t life today with yesterday´s thoughts.

Being free from all the shackles of the past,

then every moment of every day you are

a new, fresh, energetic, happy, free life,

and everyone should receive this great gift of natural beauty.

Starting from here,

you are free to create whatever life you want.

We are here to help you connect with your True Self. A life with more abundance, freedom, happiness, youth & health than you have ever experience before...

For decates, we are coaches and healers with huge experience. We are the creators of the coaching program "Get in Touch with Your True Self."

How can you get in touch, connect and know what your True Self is

How can you clear, open yourself to establish a stable connection to your True Self

How can you know that your True Self is the most precious thing in your life

How can the True Self be your key to an wealthy, abundant and fulfilling life

How can you keep the connection in work and daily life with your True Self

How can the True Self help you solve all your life problems

Interested? READ ON....


  • Do you want to step into a life free of being controlled by your feelings, emotions, and conditionings of the past?

  • Do you want to get out of the endless stories you create with emotions like anger, fear, worry, and anxiety?

  • Do you want the kind of self that has the ability to stay fresh and full of hope and joy no matter what?

  • Do you want the ability to solve all the troubles that constantly arise in your life in a lighthearted and enjoyable way?

  • Do you want the kind of self that can be wealthy, rich, and successful in everything?

  • Do you want to be the real creator of all this?

If you answered yes to any of the questions, then we think you’re going to really enjoy what we have
to share with you today…




Healer, Shaman, Coach and Expert for Healing with Singing. Her whole life, she has been looking for the deep meaning of life and how to experience her True Self in life.

Mathias Wolters

Healer, Expert for Chinese Medicine, Coach, and Teacher for Qigong, Movements, and Breathwork. Dedicate his whole life to spiritual development and to connecting to his True Nature.

More about your True Self

  • The True Self is always beyond all of the suffering and sadness.
  • It is holding you completely and firmly forever.
  • The True Self is always young, vivid, strong, and joyful.
  • The only thing you can do is live in its richness and fullness.
  • In this moment, your whole life is just at the beginning.

What is the distinction between BEING CONNECTED to one`s True Self and BEING DISCONNETED?

Being connected lets you have a complete experience of existence; being not connected gives you only a false, fragmented existence.

When you are not connected with your True Self you will fall into your emotions, feelings, ideas, patterns, and personal preferences.

Every day and all the time, you cannot stop these loops. Then you are just the outcome of these endless games of your past mind.

In such a situation, we are controlled and have no autonomy, so we have no power or wisdom to create and unfold our own beautiful life through our True Self.

If you once recognize the inner Light, it will break all illusions and give you freedom and power at once.

When you really start linking to your True Self, you will more and more truly enjoy life. You will dance in the great beauty of easy and effortless.

You`ll change from being full of complexity, stress, and heavy work to becoming more and more easily able to solve all the work problems.

And you are no longer as withdrawn, cowardly, and helpless in the face of work, relationships, and family life as before. Life is full of openness, bravery, and warmth.

You will no longer suffer procastination and the flow of income, and more greater wealth will come to you in various ways.

Why have we forgotten our True Nature?

In fact, before our mind could create our world, the world had already created our mind.

This outer world had already been instilled in our brains before we had any choice in this matter.

Therefore, we lost connection to our inner true selves and nature. Our inner wisdom was not nourished and could not show up. Instead, we start to trust in this concrete world more and more.

The imprints in our minds from our first years through our parents, family, and society let us view the world only through this lens, trusting totally in our created box.

Our full trust is lying in this false assumption of reality, and we cannot see the whole picture of reality anymore.

Besides that, our senses are very limited in recording all the information that streams into our existence and can forward only a part of reality. And the brain itself is then changing these informations after its programming.

Therefore, our inner and outer reactions, emotions, ideas, and behaviors are only expressions of our limited box. But this box is our reality, our "I" in which we most trust.

Introducing "How to get in touch with your True Self"


Clearing and healing from the past and rewiring yourself


Finding your heart's mission and focusing on your goals


Embodying your genius life by connecting with your True Self


In order to connect us to our True Self it is crucial to clear up some of our old traumas, and programming. Otherwise, we will get disturbed all the time while we get in touch with our True Self again.

Furthermore, this clearing is important to open ourselves up to new possibilities and open the windows of our box so that new energies have the possibility to come to us.

Important in this stage is to understand that our old box with all our thoughts, feelings is like a projector, sending our energies and frequencies into the universe. And after the most important law of resonance, we will only be able to receive what we are sending out. That means if we do not change our frequencies, we can only experience the world we already know mostly.

The clearing and healing will be on our physical, emotional, and mental levels. As all our levels of existence are connected with each other, healing on one level can also be the door to clearing, healing, and realizing something in other parts of us.

The reason for the clearing is not only to let you feel better and change your frequencies, but also to reconnect you more undisturbed with your True Self.


First, you need to clearly know that the True Self Connection is totally new and different from any other methods like visualization, imagination, meditation, NLP, and other popular methods.

All of the healing methods can only treat the leaf of the tree, but True Self can directly dig out the root of the problem.

This way guides our hearts into our spirit existence. This spirit will become more and more powerful and clear with constant connection within us, just like a sun full of pure light. And as soon as the sun comes out, the whole darkness will be illuminated, and all the problems in our lives will be solved. This is the wisdom and power of the heart.

You will begin to understand that in this physical world, in addition to our materialized existence, there is a more intelligent and true existence that will work with us at the same time.

Through the connection to this existence, we will experience our difficulties and bad situations more stable, relaxed, easy, and with more power to go through them.

Normally, we are facing in the direction with the sunrays away from the sun into the darkness. But we have to understand that we have to look back from our hearts towards the sun in order for our lives to open like a flower and become easier, more joyful, and more free.

And the freedom that comes with this change is huge, abundant, and a gift beyond anything our minds can imagine.


First, it needs the right acknowledgment and the right understanding of what is True Self.

Then it needs to correct the understanding between the True Self and the Ego.

The connection to our True Self is always joyful, playful, and easy, with a little bit of idea and taste.. It is never hard work, and we can not make it. We can only open our hearts and get in touch with it.

We can never see such a practice to connect ourselves with our True Self as a practice, that we have to practice hard. We only have to establish a new way to connect with our True Self.

Any problem in the concrete level, no matter inside or outside, is never important, and we don´t need to care for them. The most important thing is, that we enter in the Spirit Level. We are free living beings in the true heart. We work with the reality in our hearts and live in the light of our True Self.

The connection to our True Self is easy, not a way of suffering and hard work. As more playful, joyful, we do it, the bigger the result can get, and the easier it is to open your spirit and be in touch with your True Self.

When we connect ourselves with our hearts, we will not see our non-conrete body directly with our eyes, but somehow we can clearly know the connection to our True Self in our hearts and see it in our hearts.

That´s why we don´t need to use imagination or work hard to create a picture in our brain, and we never enter into a meditation state. We only do it with a little bit of taste and can feel it in our heart.

An More




  • Shamanic Chanting for healing deep traumas
  • Find out the main blockages and hidden patterns, so that you can move forward
  • Through this, you will find your heart´s call


  • The coaching will give us more clarity that we are the creator
  • We establish a focused mindset and get the key to our creativity
  • We learn a totally new way to see and experience the world


  • You let go of your old self and programming
  • You are ready to choose your hopeful, relaxed and loving self
  • Firmly, you will embrace your new self and let that love, freedom come back to you


  • With various methods, we will get in touch with our True Self
  • Have clarity and sureness to be in touch with your True Self
  • The True Self connection will be the source of your life


  • Clearing sessions, which will help you to transform your emotional and mental blocks
  • Releasing, rewire and repattern yourself
  • You will become free from the old programming


  • You embody a new genius creative power
  • The True Self is fully one with you and your creativity
  • It continues to create more value in your life and work

Success Stories

Her singing voice is rich and powerful, like the broad energy of Mother Earth. Let me appreciate her unique talent. Her voice and other healing modalities have helped me unlock long-ago constraints and blocks. We continued to keep in touch, sometimes asking her to help me heal, and sometimes communicating and discussing spiritual matters like friends. What impressed me most was that after I got Covid, I had a constant feeling of tightness in my chest. After I was infected by the virus, part of my old programming was released along with the virus, and my body's chakras and energy were further opened, but I encountered a bottleneck in the integration process. This time Zang Qing was of great help to me. Within just ten minutes of her chanting, the energy in my chest began to flow until it was completely released. Not only was the sense of oppression swept away, my heart chakra The throat chakra and throat chakra are also obviously more open and relaxed than before the epidemic. During the healing process, ZangQing will convey rich pictures and information to me, which can also help complete the integration of energy return and the transformation of consciousness. For example, during the post-Covid healing, Zang Qing saw that my energy body was locked and suppressed by rough impurities. After Zang Qing’s cleansing and transformation, the clean energy body broke out of the cocoon and broke through this shell. This matched also my feelings. The universe is huge and the road to spiritual practice is long. I hope Zang Qing can make full use of her talents to help more friends who are spiritual and want to understand spirituality. I hope the earth will have more light and love.


University Teacher

I met Mathias at a time when I was feeling burnt out and weak. Through regular practice of the Qi Gong exercises that he taught me, life slowly came back to my body. Above all, his guided breathwork sessions helped me, through which I found new perspectives in the outside world, which helped me to pursue a purpose and a goal again. I can only say that it has helped me on all levels, the body, mind and soul. Thanks a lot for this!



Not long after I started on the spiritual path, a friend recommended ZangQing healing to me. She was one of the most helpful guides in my introduction to spirituality.

At the beginning of the treatment, her singing healing and the pictures I saw during the healing process helped me to unlock many obstacles in my cognition and old patterns in the past. She has helped me see a lot of stuck spots and cognitive issues that I wouldn't have been able to see on my own. Sometimes I am deeply surprised at how my thoughts operate and influence me on a level I cannot see.

As healing progresses, mutual openness, trust, and surrender are very important for both the healer and the healed. Because of old subconscious patterns in my brain, or because of past trauma, I haven't been open enough and trusting enough to ZangQing. But when she asked me this question, I didn't even know what total openness and trust meant. During a certain communication, she helped me solve this problem.

I have grown more trusting and surrendered to her healing and wisdom. Her heart is very powerful, she is very pure and sincere, and her carrying capacity is also very strong. She always helps me break down barriers in my energy and mental awareness. She is always surrendering in the moment of healing. She constantly awakens my vitality, passion for the world and my creative part.

Her healing has helped me in many ways, including my interpersonal relationships and my work problems. Including my belief system and so on, because I have a high degree of trust in her, during our half-year healing time, I have made very rapid progress. My heart is now very open and I am passionate about life. Now I use my creativity to fill my life with a lot of laughter and joy.


Heart-centered Education Business

"Deep waters are not still: it is absolutely extraordinary to meet Mathias and to be able to work with him. He is one of the rare people who has internalized what he teaches so deeply that just being in his presence already feels healing.

He has such a wealth of experience that I can't think of a topic I can't bring up and expect a profound answer from him.

Throughout all of this he conveys a calm, clarity and lightness and never fails to remind me again and again what really counts: the heart!"

Tobias Deil

Breathwork Coach

Get in Touch

Insights, inspirations and useful methods for your daily life and guidance to step out of your problems and stay connect with the free spirit of your True Self.

Let your True Self touch your life!


Trust your True Self which is connected to the deep and precious aspects of our being.

Step into a free life that goes completely beyond our personal limits.

Experience it with your heart, and enter it through your trust.